you want to share your all blog post on social sites while you are sleeping?
Cannot able to share your blog post in short time? Wishing to find an easy
method to do it magically! Can not finding any easy solution for it! Ok, now
you have come to right place! This article can solve this problem. Now you can
share your blog post automatically in different social media sites with just
one click! Right?
goal is to attract more visitors for your blog. If you do not get more visitors
for your blog means you are not getting benefits from your blog!
know the more we share our blog post the more we get benefits from our blog!
So, it should be right if you share your post on various social networks when
your fans are in online. By sharing blog post on top ranking social sites like
Facebook, Twitter, and Linked In etc can give you a lot of visitors!
success lies when you get maximum clicks from your shared posts. Am I right?
thing I want to say, for example you are sharing you blog post with your fans
in morning but your followers and social media fans used to check out your shared posts at night!
What’s mean to write post?
you want to get an opportunity to promote your blog posts at that time when you
can’t sit in front of your computer connecting with internet? But I want!
Let me show the process how to do it? Ok, it’s ok! I will say you. Follow this step
by step process with patient!
you ever heard a website named Buffer? Yes, Buffer will help you to schedule
your blog posts for sharing on various social networking sites without staying
Internet all day long! Can I say it ‘magical way’!
Ok, now I will show you how to use Buffer to schedule your blog posts.
Ok, now I will show you how to use Buffer to schedule your blog posts.
Firstly go to Buffer and register for an account and log in with your
Facebook, Twitter or linked In account.
Next click on ‘Install
in Seconds’ button to add Buffer Extension in your browser.
After installing Buffer Extension on your
browser and then enter into your Buffer account.
Now just click on ‘Schedule’ tab to schedule your blog
posts for auto sharing and ‘add
posting time’ there.
And then click on ‘what you want to share’ field
at the top left corner of the buffer page.
Ok, now add your post details and link then click on ‘Buffer’ button
to schedule your post.
That’s all! From now your posts will be
automatically share at your desired scheduled timings what you have provided!
Oh shit! One more thing I have forgotten. Yes, you can get some
extra benefits from Buffer listed below-
* Analytics: Buffer
has a cool feature that allows you to check Analytics of your
shared posts to get clear view how much benefit you are getting from your
shared post! Is not it a helpful to you! But for me!
* Buffer’s Extension: Another
one more option that is buffer’s extension! This
Extension will help you to automatically fetch all of your blog posts details.
I have shared my experience
with you with my heart content. If there is any wrong please inform me. Really
it helps me to share my blog articles on many social media sites greatly.
Please let me know what kinds of software you use to promote your
blog post on social sites! Won’t you share your thoughts with me? Do a comment
below! Thanks.