‘Blog commenting! What do you
say? It is not matter for me!’ ‘Hello! I know you are an expert on blog
commenting! I praise you always! Totally mad and comment spammer you are!’
Have you showed there
dialogue above? What a fun! Is not it! This dialogue is made by one of my
friend who took a service from a SEO worker.
Ok, in this post I will try
to show you the right method of blog commenting. Do not get bored! This post is
for beginners who are new in the blogging world. So, you expert do not waste
you time on reading this article. (Straight word)
Let’s start our lesson!
blog commenting tips and tricks:
blog commenting tips and tricks:
1. Find some blog related to your blog topics and make a
list of it.
2. Choose high page rank blogs from your list.
3. Check that, is do
follow these blogs what you have chooses!
4. Make a list of do follow blog according to your blog
5. Then, go to
this blog and put your comment in the comment box.
Mind this: Always comment on relevant blog and speak
according to author’s article. Do not try to spam here like that guy!
Tips: Put your comment with attractive sentence as
blog admin do not disapprove your comment by moderating. Always say these kinds
of attractive words- (Wow awesome article, what an excellent post I have ever
seen, Thanks for this kinds of helpful article, I am seeking this kind of article, Super
article and I want more, Excellent I have bookmarked your site and etc) instead
of only single word like- (thanks, nice, keep it up, Wonderful! Visit my blog
also etc.) Be careful! Do not say only these kinds of words; you must add some
sentence related to this blog article with suite word. Oh! What is my main
purpose! Off course you must put your blog URL when commenting on other’s blog
or website with positive approach!
You can use this coding when commenting on someone’s blog-
Beginer Guide</a>
‘Give your blog address
instead of my blog address.’
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