How can I increase more Traffic to my New Blog: Traffic is most important for any blog. If no one visits your blog there is no mean to build a site. Isn’t it? There are many newbie blogger do not know how to increase traffic to their new blog or website. And they quit blogging because of low traffic of their blog. There are many ways to increase more blog traffic what you can follow. A great way to generate more traffic free to blog by doing proper search engine optimization.
Really, seo plays great value
on generating more visitors for blog. If you are new on SEO field, you can
follow some great and top working search engine optimization techniques are
written in this blog. Take a look at these seo articles if you are serious
about to learn SEO! Ok, here I will share you some tips for increasing traffic
to your new blog. And if you follow these basic tips correctly you can generate
more traffic for your new blog site!
1. Write problem solving
and details article:-
Some traffic
search online for gathering information and some want to find solution as their
need. There are many niche finding process you can follow what people are
searching online and you can take idea and write problem solving post in your
blog. Thus way people will visit your site to get proper solution what they are
searching for!
Always write
meaningful article and visitors will love your blog. By engaging them you can
generate more traffic to your blog and it last long time!
2. Make sure
to Target easy to rank long-tail keywords:-
Yes, it is an Excellent Idea
to target long tail key phrases for your blog to rank quickly on search
results! Just want to tell you to Focus on high monthly searches and low
competitive keyword to get good results. It is a good move especially for new
blog to build trust with search engine and users also! Example of a long tail
keyword is- ‘How to drive huge traffic to my blog’. Where only ‘drive
traffic’ is short keyword and it has very high competition and it’s too harder
to rank for only seed keyword.
3. Share your post link in
Social sites:-
You know that
sharing is caring! By sharing your blog post on different social media sites
you can also grab some traffic for your new blog. You can share your blog post
on various social sites to generate traffic. Always remember to share
interesting things to engage visitors. Social media sites like as Facebook,
Twitter etc has good numbers of online users and you can take some extra
advantages form these Social sites.
4. Comment regularly on
relevant Dofollow blog –
If you are not
following this technique you should start now! Commenting on relevant dofollow
blog, I mean related to your blog niche. Example- If your blog is technology
related then it is good to find some technology related dofollow blog to
comment on. Always mind that do not spam on comment, if you do, your comment
will not get approve by blog author. So, try to attract blog author by telling
interesting and relevant comment. Not only single word like- Good article,
Thanks for this article etc.
So, target at
least 30 niche related dofollow blog to comment on regularly to increase
your blog traffic and quality backlink also. Yes, it’s work. Give it a try!
I have written some easy and basic
techniques to increase traffic for a new launched blog. There are huge
traffic driving techniques you can use to increase your blog readers. Stay
with this blog to discover more and top working Traffic tips and tricks
for your site.
You can share your knowledge
with us. Are you already following these techniques? Which technique you use to
drive traffic to your blog? Would love to hear from you!