Increase your computer shutdown speed:
This article is going to show the method of how to increase pc shut down
speed. We always want to shutdown our computer without delay. Computer
which takes much time to ‘shutdown’ make bore at computer user. You must not
want this! Do you? A lot of computer user does not know how to do. Some days
ago one of my blog reader wanted to know this method. So, I have written this
article to help such kind of people. However, we always want to do it quickly.
There are many tips on it but here I will show you a small tip to increase your
pc shutdown speed easily. By following this easy method correctly you
can able to increase your computer shutdown speed. Let’s start our
.Firstly go to start menu
and type ‘regedit’ on your Run command and press enter.
Next go to this location3. ‘HKEY_CURRENT_USER\
Control Panel\Desktop\’
And select ‘WaitToKillAppTimeout’.
Right click on ‘Modify’
Change the value ‘1000′ on value field and
press ok button.
Next select ‘HungAppTimeout’
And right click on ‘Modify’
Change the value
to ‘1000′ and
press ok.
Again go to this location and select ‘HKEY_USERS\ .DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop’ And select
Right Click on‘Modify’
And now change the valueto ‘1000′ in the value field and press ok button.
17.And at last go to this location
‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ System\CurrentControlSet\Control\’
And select ‘WaitToKillServiceTimeout’
Then right click on ‘Modify’
Now change value ‘1000′ in the value field and press OK.
Wish you have
enjoyed this ‘HOW TO INCREASE PC SHUTDOWN SPEED’ article. Please share this pc tips with your
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