Hello! How are you? Today I will share a tip with you! Do you know what is it? OK, read this article with patient!
Generally we use password for our security to save ourselves from others. But do you know that, anyone can break your password easily. Even you can break others computer password also! You may say me your password is protected by BIOS password. But, If I say you that, this password is too easy for me to break without no doubt! Is not there any way to solve this problem?
Why not! There are many solutions to solve this. But, I will show you an easy method to solve what I am using! I know that is call 'startup' password!
Yes, you can use extra password without windows user password! But, there is a problem. What? If you forget this password you cannot log in your own PC, unless you reinstall your windows. There's more software available for download from Internet. You can get free software for download also! But I will say you there is no need to download free PC software. I know one method is enough to do! (Please tell me how to do?) Yes, I will show you how to do! Follow this step by step method with patient! Let us start our lesson................
1. Go to start menu and then click Run.
2. On the Run command type syskey and then press OK.
3. A window will open. Select 'Encryption Enabled' button and click 'Update' button.
4. Next click on the 'password startup' radio button.
5. Now type your password at the 'password startup' box.
6. After typing password, confirm password and press 'OK'.
From now your startup password dialogue box will appear before your login window.
Firstly type your 'startup password' and then type your 'login password'.
Yes, now no one can break your password even expert!Unless he works harder to much harder! Causes, it marks as 'system startup password'. You are free from your password breaking problem!
Caution: Give your 'startup password' correctly and carefully. Remember your password. You can store your password by a free software name 'RoboForm" downloading it from online. Yes it is free software to download!
Enjoy yourself!!!
How much you have enjoyed this article! Do you know other method? Won't you share your tips with me!
Generally we use password for our security to save ourselves from others. But do you know that, anyone can break your password easily. Even you can break others computer password also! You may say me your password is protected by BIOS password. But, If I say you that, this password is too easy for me to break without no doubt! Is not there any way to solve this problem?
Why not! There are many solutions to solve this. But, I will show you an easy method to solve what I am using! I know that is call 'startup' password!
Yes, you can use extra password without windows user password! But, there is a problem. What? If you forget this password you cannot log in your own PC, unless you reinstall your windows. There's more software available for download from Internet. You can get free software for download also! But I will say you there is no need to download free PC software. I know one method is enough to do! (Please tell me how to do?) Yes, I will show you how to do! Follow this step by step method with patient! Let us start our lesson................
1. Go to start menu and then click Run.
2. On the Run command type syskey and then press OK.
3. A window will open. Select 'Encryption Enabled' button and click 'Update' button.
4. Next click on the 'password startup' radio button.
5. Now type your password at the 'password startup' box.
6. After typing password, confirm password and press 'OK'.
From now your startup password dialogue box will appear before your login window.
Firstly type your 'startup password' and then type your 'login password'.
Yes, now no one can break your password even expert!Unless he works harder to much harder! Causes, it marks as 'system startup password'. You are free from your password breaking problem!
Caution: Give your 'startup password' correctly and carefully. Remember your password. You can store your password by a free software name 'RoboForm" downloading it from online. Yes it is free software to download!
Enjoy yourself!!!
How much you have enjoyed this article! Do you know other method? Won't you share your tips with me!